36 Short Stories

Bouteloup Mélanie, Collectif,Blistène Bernard


Résumé :
The anthology 36 Short Stories brings together a selection of works and texts, published, exhibited, or collected during Bétonsalon ? Center for Art and Research' s program. Presented in the form of a collection of short stories, it brings into dialog thirty-six voices and experiences ? personal and collective, factual and fictional, and sometimes forgotten. Encom - passing authors from a wide range of disciplines, contributions explore the margins of traditional historiography and the distribution of knowledge, employing fiction as a means to resist uniformity. In a word, each seeks to deconstruct established norms and to offer new readings of the histories we construct.

29,00 €
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Découvrez également sur ce thème nos catégories Arts , Soldes , Sciences humaines , Santé , Promotions , Papeterie , Littérature , Langues et Scolaire , Jeux-Jouets , BD-Manga , Bons cadeaux Internet , Chèques cadeaux , Emballages , Frais de port , Histoire - Actu - Eco , Jeunesse , Entreprise - Droit - Economie , Loisirs et nature , Sciences , Voyage , Histoire - Actu , Occasions dans la section Livres