The Bukavu Series. Toward a Decolonisation of Research

Nyenyezi Aymar - Ansoms An - Vlassenroot Koen - Mu


They are qualified, experienced, motivated, academically accomplished. They work tirelessly, collecting invaluable data in the field under conditions that are always challenging, and at times dangerous. And yet, their voices are unheard, and their names go unacknowledged in published research. Such is the lot of far too many research assistants from the Global South - people upon whose work an entire industry of knowledge production has been built. They are shut out of discussions on project design and left in the dark about the modalities of research funding. Later, the results of their research are published in journals to which they often have no access. Much of this is due to a certain omertà surrounding power imbalances, as well as research assistants' working conditions, financial difficulties, psychological traumas, and vulnerabilities. It also stems from the persistence of colonial mentalities in the research world - within universities, governments, foundations, aid institutions, and NGO's. The Bukavu Series is a vibrant blog series about the experiences of research assistants in the Global South. Driven primarily by these silent voices, the series yields a mosaic depiction of fieldwork that mixes humor, realism, and incisive critique. This book offers a unique entry point into a critical debate, leading us toward concrete reforms, and setting us on the course toward a decolonisation of research.
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